Thursday, April 15, 2010

SPECIAL LECTIRE review- 'ispy style' Kate Vandemeer

Kate Vandemeer is a fashion blogger, journalist profession in branding and marketing. Her lecture was about how there are different brands, how they target their market, and how to survive in the wild fashion world....

Her workshop about branding and marketing in the fashion industry inspired me to pursue my dream . We all shared what we would like to do after graduation. I told the class that "I do not feel creative anymore.. So I would like to work as a buyer... and own a business that imports children's wear". I honest do not feel creative anymore.. at least this point of period.... but I do like to be involved in fashion especially children's wear. I think the children's wear industry is booming... DINC (Double Income No Child) couples are increasing and children are treated as a treasure in the family. Parents do not hesitate to spend to make their kid look like celebrity kids!

She remind of important 4P of marketing theory which I should remember always...!
  • Price: Who is my customers? What kind of value do I want to see in my product? The product itself? or the experience?
  • Promotion: What kind of other promotions am i running?
  • Product: What is my product? Who is it appealing to? Is it in trend?
  • Placement: Where am I going to place my product? Where will be my store?

To visit her website...

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