Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Final Year Poster

From the first day of 4th year, the disserataion topic and (sort of) design concept was established. I chose to study about Hong Kong/Chinese traditional costume Cheong Sam. The dress represents the China and Chinese culture. Although they are elegant, feminine, sexy and classic, the costume is no longer worn as daily attire these days.
For this reason, I chose my title as OPIUM. I researched Hong Kong and Chinese history and the Opium War was big part of the history which Hong Kong island given to the British. OPIUM is part of basic ingredient for illegal substances. The substances make people get addicted, irresistible, comfortable and relaxed. Yet the flower is just innocent, bright colours which blends in with other flowers. I wanted to create a collection that's like an OPIUM. Addictive, irresistible, sexy, comfortable yet innocent, beautiful and blends in with others. I really wish this collection will turn out successful as it's my final year show.. Fingers tightly crossed!

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